Gestione dei cookie

Informazioni relative ai cookie utilizzati e alle modalità di disattivazione degli stessi

Extended information on cookies

Data Controller and Data Processors : FACMA SRL Strada Piangoli, snc - 01030 Vitorchiano (VT), Italy - VAT number 01624300560 Tel / Fax: +39 0761 / 37.02.92 - Tel: +39 0761 / 37.04.20 - Email: facma @ hereinafter referred to as "Owner"

Identification of the simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies - 8 May 2014 (Published in the Official Gazette No. 126 of 3 June 2014) 
Register of measures n. 229 of 8 May 2014

Privacy information on the operation of cookies - Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03 and 14 of the EU REG 679/16

Below we inform you in a transparent manner about the operation on this website (hereinafter "Site") of the so-called cookies.

Definition of "cookies".

Cookies are small text files sent from the Site to the interested party's terminal (usually to the browser), where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the Site at the next visit by the same user. A cookie can not retrieve any other data from the user's hard drive, transmit computer viruses or acquire email addresses. Each cookie is unique to the user's web browser. Some of the functions of cookies can be delegated to other technologies. The term 'cookies' refers to cookies and all similar technologies

Purposes of the processing and purposes of technical session cookies.

The cookies used on the Site have the purpose of performing IT authentication or the monitoring of sessions and the storage of specific technical information concerning the users accessing the server of the Owner. In this context, some operations on the Site could not be performed without the use of cookies, which in such cases are therefore technically necessary. By way of example, access to reserved areas of the Site and the activities that may be carried out therein would be much more complex to perform and less secure without the presence of cookies that allow the user to be identified and maintained in the context of the session. 
Pursuant to Article 122, paragraph 1, of the Privacy Code (in the formulation in force following the entry into force of Legislative Decree No. 69/2012), "technical" cookies can be used even without the consent of the interested party.

The Data Controller therefore informs first of all that technical cookies are required on the Website to navigate the Website, as they allow essential functions such as authentication, validation, management of a browsing session and fraud prevention and allow for example:

  • to identify if the user has had regular access to areas of the site that require prior authentication
  • user validation and session management related to various services and applications
  • data retention for secure access
  • fraud control and prevention functions.

For maximum transparency, a series of technical cookies and operational cases are listed below 
specific on the Website: 
• cookies implanted in the user's / contractor's terminal directly (which will not be used for further purposes) such as session cookies used to "fill the cart" in online reservations on the site, authentication cookies, cookies for multimedia content flash players that do not exceed the duration of the session, personalization cookies (for example, for the choice of the navigation language, call ID and password complete with the typing of the first characters, etc.); 
• cookies used to statistically analyze accesses / visits to the site (so-called "analytics" cookies) that only pursue statistical purposes (and not even profiling or marketing) and collect information in aggregate form without the possibility of identifying the individual user. In these cases, since the current legislation requires that for analytics cookies the person concerned is provided with a clear and adequate indication of the simple ways to oppose (opt-out) their system (including any mechanisms of anonymisation of the cookies themselves) , we specify that you can proceed with the deactivation of Google analytics as follows: open your browser, select the settings menu, click on the internet options, open the privacy tab and choose the desired level of block cookies. If you want to delete cookies already saved in memory, simply open the security tab and delete the history by checking the "delete cookies" box.

Purposes of the processing and purposes of cookies for marketing analysis.

In addition to technical cookies, we inform you that the Owner, uses on this site also other cookies (deriving from specific services that are provided by industry companies) that do not qualify as "technical" and that pursue purposes of analysis of behavior for marketing purposes. 
Below, for each cookie operating on our site, we report information on the type of cookies used through the services of third-party suppliers, purposes, storage period, third parties who still retain the information and who access it:

Third Parties that retain and access user information collected with cookies

Link to the site where to view the privacy policy: 
Google Inc , for statistical analysis and reporting. 
Facebook Inc , by profiling. 
Personal data collected through the operation of cookies may be processed, with automated / IT, for the following purposes that are specified below as required by the General Provision of the Guarantor containing the Guidelines to combat spam: commercial promotion, advertising , solicitation to purchase behavior, market research, surveys (also by telephone, on-line or through forms), statistical elaborations (in identifying form), and marketing in a broad sense (including prize events, games and competitions or other reward initiatives not included in the regulation pursuant to Presidential Decree 430/2001) of products and / or services referring to the Data Controller, hereinafter referred to as "Processing for Marketing Purposes"). By granting consent to the operation of cookies and the related processing for marketing purposes, the data subject specifically acknowledges these promotional, commercial and marketing purposes in the broad sense of the processing (including the consequent management and administrative activities) and expressly authorizes treatment in accordance with Article 23 of the Privacy Code that also pursuant to art. 130 of the Privacy Code (as the Company may use means for processing for marketing purposes such as e-mail, fax, sms, mms, automatic systems without operator intervention and similar, including electronic platforms and other telematic means ). 
Pursuant to the General Provision of the Privacy Guarantor "Consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of" direct marketing "through traditional and automated contact tools", the attention of the data subjects is specifically recalled on the fact that: 
1. the consent given for the sending of commercial and promotional communications, on the basis of art. 130, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Code and Article 22 of REG UE 679/16 (ie through the use of electronic mail, fax, SMS, MMS, automatic systems without operator intervention and similar, including electronic platforms and other telematic means) will involve the receipt of such communications, not only through these automated methods of contact, but also through traditional methods, such as paper mail or calls by operator; 
2. The right of the interested party's opposition to the processing of their personal data for "direct marketing" purposes through the aforementioned automated methods of contact will in any case extend to the traditional ones and, even in this case, the possibility remains to exercise this right in part, as required by art. 7, paragraph 4, of Article 21 of the EU REG of the Code, both with respect to certain means and with respect to certain treatments; 
3. the possibility remains that the person concerned, who does not intend to give consent in the terms indicated above, to express any wish to receive communications for the aforementioned marketing purposes exclusively through traditional methods of contact, where provided for: this will it can be exercised for free by sending a simple email to the owner's address. 
For the purposes of the principle of compliance with the privacy obligations for the owner in compliance with the principles of simplification of the same obligations (Article 2 of the Code) and pursuant to the General Provision of the Privacy Guarantor entitled "Consent to the processing of personal data for purposes of "direct marketing" through traditional and automated contact tools ", we inform you that the specific consent formula will be unitary and comprehensive and will refer to all the possible means of the marketing treatment, ex articles 23 and 130 of the Code, as well as article 7 of the EU REG 679/16, without prejudice to the possibility for the interested party to notify the Company to the address of the holder of a different will regarding the use of certain means and not of others for the receipt, with the prior consent, of marketing communications. Furthermore, also for the purposes of the principle of compliance with the privacy obligations for the owner in compliance with the principles of simplification of the same obligations, we also inform you that the specific consent formula will be unitary and comprehensive and will also refer to all the different and possible marketing purposes here explicit (without multiplying the formulas of consent for each distinct marketing purpose pursued by the owner), without prejudice to the possibility for the data subject to notify later also to the Company a different selective will regarding the consent or refusal of consent for individual purposes of marketing. 
To proceed with the Treatment for Marketing Purposes it is mandatory to acquire a specific, separate, expressed, documented, preventive, informed, free and completely optional consent. 
Consequently, where the person concerned decides to give the specific consent, it must be 
previously informed and aware that the purposes of the treatment pursued are of a specific commercial, advertising, promotional and marketing nature in a broad sense. With a view to absolute transparency, we therefore inform you that the data will be collected and subsequently processed on the basis of a specific consensus: 
1. to send subjects who have given a conscious consent to advertising material and 
information (eg Newsletters), promotional or otherwise solicitation 
commercial, in accordance with Article 23 and 130 of the Privacy Code; and Article 7 of the EU REG 
2. to carry out direct sales or placement of products or services of the Companies; 
3. to send commercial information; to carry out interactive commercial communications also pursuant to article 58 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 through the use of email; 
4. to develop studies, research, market statistics; 
5. to send unsolicited commercial communications pursuant to Article 9 of Legislative Decree 9 April 2003 no. 70 of the implementation of the so-called Electronic Commerce Directive 2000/31 / EEC and subsequent amendments, which provides that unsolicited commercial communications must be immediately and unequivocally identifiable as such and contain the indication that the recipient of the message may object to the receipt in the future of such communications. 
With reference to the sending of Newsletters by e-mail to which you consent, we also inform you that the electronic contents of such promotional communications could be assisted by software (such as cookies or web beacons) able to disclose to the Companies a series of parameters such as, for example: opening time of the Newsletter, pages viewed in the Newsletter, links clicked on the Newsletter, links to the websites of the Companies directly from the Newsletter. These parameters, which will not constitute profiling of the recipient, are aimed at making known to the Companies 
some statistical data regarding the bookings of services generated from various sources. 
Therefore, by granting the optional consent, the interested party specifically takes note of and authorizes such further, possible secondary treatments. 
In any case, even if the person concerned has given consent to authorize the Owner to pursue all the purposes mentioned in points 1 to 5 above, he will still be free to revoke it at any time by sending a clear communication to that effect without formalities. to the Company Same to the Owner's address. 
Following receipt of this opt-out request, the Company will immediately proceed to the removal and deletion of data from the databases used for the Treatment for Marketing Purposes and inform for the same purposes of cancellation any third parties to whom the data have been communicated . Simply receiving the cancellation request will automatically be validated as confirmation of cancellation.

Communication and dissemination of personal data collected through cookies within the scope of the treatment for marketing purposes.

For the same purposes referred to in the numbers 1 to 5 of the previous paragraph, the Owner informs that the data could also be disclosed to third-party business partners (Third Parties). The consent to the treatment for marketing purposes by the Company as Data Controller - where provided by the interested party - does not also cover the different and further marketing treatment represented by the communication to third parties of the data for the same purposes. To proceed with this communication outside it is mandatory to acquire at 
the interested party a further informed consent, separate, additional, documented, expressed and entirely optional. 
As indeed clarified in the General Provision of the Guarantor containing the Guidelines to combat spam: 
1. in relation to the communication to third parties for marketing purposes in general, the communication or transfer of personal data to third parties for marketing purposes can not be based on the acquisition of a single and general consent by the interested parties for such purposes; 
2. the data controller who intends to collect the personal data of the data subjects also to communicate (or transfer them) to third parties for their promotional purposes must first issue to them the appropriate information that also individual each of the third parties or, alternatively, indicate the categories (economic or merchandise) belonging to the same; 
3. the holder must acquire a specific consent for the communication (and / or transfer) to third parties of personal data for promotional purposes, as well as separate from that required by the same holder to carry out the promotional activity itself; 
4. if the person concerned releases the aforementioned consent for communication to third parties, the latter may carry out promotional activities against him with the automated methods referred to in art. 130, paragraph 1 and 2 of the Privacy Code, and Article 22 of the EU REG 679/16 without having to acquire a new consent for the promotional purpose. 
Pursuant to the General Provision of the Guarantor containing the Guidelines to combat spam, the third recipients of the personal data of the data subjects for the subsequent Treatment for Marketing Purposes can be identified with reference to the following merchandise or economic categories: publishing, suppliers of goods and electronic communications services, Internet service providers, communication agencies, companies providing insurance and financial services, companies in the food and catering sector, apparel, ICT hardware and software, banks and credit institutions, travel agencies, companies offering services in the tourism sector, companies that offer services and goods for the person, including health goods and services, companies supplying goods and services in the Energy and Gas sector. 
Personal data will be disseminated.

Mandatory or optional consent for the operation of cookies that pursue marketing purposes.

Method of providing consent. 
We recall with particular attention the fact that the provision is consent to the operation of cookies that pursue marketing purposes, that the related and subsequent processing for marketing purposes that the separate consent to the communication of personal data collected through cookies to third parties for the treatment for Marketing purposes for the purposes and with the methods described above are absolutely optional and optional (and in any case revocable without formalities even later) and failure to provide will not result in consequences other than the impossibility for the Data Controller and any third party to proceed with the marketing treatments mentioned . In case of refusal of the marketing consent there will be no interference and / or consequence on the possibility of accessing the Site. 
Owner uses third party service (above) 
The link to use the service is . 
Alternatively, the user can show his options regarding the use of cookies also through the browser settings. By changing the browser settings, you can accept or decline cookies or decide to receive a warning before accepting a cookie from the website visited. 
Furthermore, cookies can be deleted by deleting the contents of the "cookie" folder used by the browser. Each browser, has different procedures for the management of cookies, below is a link to the specific instructions of the most popular: 
Internet Explorer: 
Google Chrome: 
Apple Safari: 
Mozilla Fireforx: 
Disabling Flash cookies: 
We also remember that by completely disabling cookies in the browser, the user may not be able to use all the interactive features.

Third Party Cookies

In the course of browsing the Website, users may receive cookies from different websites or web servers (so-called "third-party" cookies) on their terminals: this happens because the Site may contain elements such as, for example, images, maps , sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains that reside on servers other than the one on which the requested page is located. In other words, these cookies are set directly by managers of websites or servers other than the Site. 
These cookies can be sent to the user's browser by third-party companies directly from their websites 
you can access by browsing the Owner Site. In such cases, the Company is not involved in the operation of these cookies, the sending of which is the responsibility of these third-party companies. As in fact clarified by the Privacy Authority: "The obligation to inform the user about the use of cookies and to eventually acquire the prior consent lies with the operator of the site that uses them, as the data controller. In the event that a site also allows the transmission of "third-party" cookies, the information and the acquisition of consent are of 
rule charged to the third party. It is necessary that the user is adequately informed, albeit with the simplified procedures provided for by law, when accessing the site that allows the storage of third-party cookies, or when accessing the content provided by third parties and, however, before cookies are downloaded to your terminal ". 
Precisely for the transparency of the information requested to the managers of the "first part site" (ie the Site as managed by the Owner) where "third-party cookies" operate, we inform you that the following third-party cookies are operational on the Website:

Statistic analysis

The services contained in this section allow the Data Controller to monitor and analyze traffic data and are used to keep track of User behavior.

- Google Analytics (Google Inc.) 
Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google uses the Personal Data collected for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this Application, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Google. 
Google may use the Personal Data to contextualise and personalize the advertisements of its advertising network. 
Personal data collected: cookies and usage data. 
Place of processing: USA - Privacy Policy - Opt Out 

Interaction with social networks and external platforms

These services allow you to make interactions with social networks, or other external platforms, directly from the pages of this application. 
The interactions and information acquired by this Application are in any case subject to the User's privacy settings related to each social network. 
If an interaction service with social networks is installed, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the service, the same collect traffic data relating to the pages in which it is installed. 
- Facebook Like button and social widgets (Facebook, Inc.) 
The "Like" button and Facebook social widgets are services of interaction with the social network Facebook, provided by Facebook, Inc. 
Personal data collected: cookies and usage data. 
Place of processing: USA - Privacy Policy 

Remarketing and Behavioral Targeting 
These services allow this Application and its partners to communicate, optimize and serve advertisements based on the past use of this Application by the User. 
This activity is carried out by tracking Usage Data and the use of Cookies, information that is transferred to the partners to whom the activity of remarketing and behavioral targeting is connected. 

Facebook Remarketing (Facebook, Inc.) 
Facebook Remarketing is a Remarketing and Behavioral Targeting service provided by Facebook, Inc. which connects the activity of this Application with the Facebook advertising network. 
Personal data collected: cookies and usage data. 
Place of processing: USA - Privacy Policy 

Displaying content from external platforms 
These services allow you to view content hosted on external platforms directly from the pages of this Application and interact with them. 
In the event that a service of this type is installed, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the service, the same collect traffic data relating to the pages in which it is installed. 

Youtube Video Widget (Google Inc.) 
Youtube is a video content visualization service managed by Google Inc. that allows this application to integrate such contents within its pages. 
Personal data collected: cookies and usage data. 
Place of processing: USA - Privacy Policy

Add This ( Oracle Corporation ) 
The site uses Add This, which allows you to add and manage the buttons of some social networks to allow visitors to share content on various social platforms. 
The use of these sharing buttons involves the installation of cookies, including profiling cookies, of the third-party company that offers the service. 
However, the site does not share any navigation information or visitor data acquired in the case of use of these buttons, with the exception of some data in aggregate form. 
Place of processing: USA - Privacy Policy

Exercise of rights by the interested party. 
At any time it will be possible - without any formalities - to exercise the rights in relation to the current privacy legislation (also using the appropriate form for the request made available by the Guarantor on, which is reported in full following. The exercise of rights is not subject to any form constraint.

Esercizio dei diritti da parte dell’interessato.
In ogni momento sarà possibile – senza formalità alcuna – esercitare i diritti in merito alla vigente legislazione privacy (anche utilizzando l’apposito modulo per l’istanza messo a disposizione dal Garante su , che per utilità è riportato integralmente di seguito. L’esercizio dei diritti non è soggetto ad alcun vincolo di forma.

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Unauthorized reproduction of this document is prohibited.
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