
Prueba en campo organizada por parte de CNR-IVALSA

Facma will take part to demonstration on field, organized by CNR-IVALSA, with the pruning-picker up shredder Comby, in the days

9th February 2011 at Agriturismo Tenuta di Bagnoli, Via Garibaldi 83, Bagnoli di Sopra (PD), 8.00 - 13.00.

Vineyard pruning harvest

11th February 2011, 9:00 - 13:00, at Coop. Frutta Castelbaldo, via Paiette 7D, Castelbaldo (PD), Italy. Harvest and crumbling of apple and pear pruning.

The demonstrations are open and free.

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Nuestras oficinas están abiertas desde el Lunes hasta el Viernes de las 08:00 a las 13:00 y de las 14:00 a las 17:15


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